Do I need a permit for this? We know the answer!
Sewall has worked closely with local, state, and federal regulatory agencies for decades to provide our clients with the information they need for permitting approval. This includes Site Law, NEPA, MS4, Permit by Rule, Traffic Movement, and Driveway permitting.
Traffic Permitting
Sewall has vast knowledge and experience working with municipalities and planning boards, as well as state governments, in permitting new developments and subdivisions for our clients. Services include:
- Municipal permitting. Traffic Impact Assessments and Trip Generation Analyses for minor developments, full Traffic Impact Studies for major developments, Site Plan Review, and Subdivision and Rezoning approval processes
- State permitting. Entrance Permits and Driveway Permits, Traffic Movement Permit applications, and associated Traffic Impact Analyses and Studies
- Offsite Design. Design of required off-site traffic mitigation including auxiliary turn lanes, traffic signal installations and modifications, and intersection improvements, and Temporary Traffic Control Plans for construction
- Municipal Peer Review. Peer Review of development applications including Traffic Impact Studies and Traffic Movement Permit applications
Environmental Permitting
Sewall staff has developed close working relationships with a variety of regulatory agencies to assist our clients in obtaining the appropriate environmental permitting. Services include:
- Municipal permitting. Building permits, development applications, planning board approval, driveway permits, subdivision review, etc.
- State permitting. Construction general permit, Permit by Rule, stormwater permitting, Site Location of Development permits (SLOD or Site Law), Natural Resources Protection Act (NRPA), National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).
- Federal Permitting. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process including Categorical Exclusion and Environmental Assessments (EAs), Army Corps of Engineers Programmatic General Permit (PGP) and individual permits
- Preparation of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) and Spill Prevention, Control, and Containment (SPCC) plans.
- Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) Phase 1 and select Phase 2
- Stormwater and construction inspections