Roads: West Broadway/Route 2 Widening

Lincoln, Maine

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Sewall worked closely with the Town of Lincoln and the Maine Department of Transportation to complete the design, construction administration, and inspection services for the widening of a 1.0-mile section of West Broadway in the Town of Lincoln, Maine. The purpose of the project was to create a continuous two-way center left-turn lane and to improve drainage and safety along this corridor. The creation of the two-way center left-turn lane also allowed for future business development in the area without placing undue burden on individual developers to completely fund extensive roadway improvements.

This project was a Business Partnership Initiative (BPI) administered by the Town and coordinated with the Maine Department of Transportation. The major project tasks included topographic survey, roadway layout, drainage design including a large box culvert, roadway/intersection design, and the development of right of way plans. There were two streams, along with their associated wetlands, within the project limits. Sewall successfully designed the project such that there was minimal impact to the protected resources. The project was completed the fall of 2016.